This is a sculpture in the courtyard next to my building. It's part of a large installation called "Zanja Madre." In English that's "Mother Ditch." Figueroa St and much of old downtown LA used to have stone-lined irrigation ditches carrying water to the residences and farms, and this particular sculpture is apparently some sort of screw device used in the transportation of water. I dunno. It's a nice sillhouette with the moon. This is from a couple weeks ago, but I haven't got any new photos to share. I have tons, but not here.
I've been sick all week. I've been sleeping a lot and drinking lots of fluids and feeling ripped off when I've awoken in the morning, after a good night's sleep, and found myself still sick.
Today I came into work though I am still sick because I can do a little work and help a few people. Considering I've been out all week, not that much to catch up on. I'm buried, but not that deeply. It's a shallow grave.
I'm reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I have no idea how I missed reading this before now. I remember over twenty years ago my dad told me how good it was, but hey. I had lots to read. So now I'm reading it and it's one of the most wonderful things I've ever read.
Off to work. Or to kind of work.
Hi Lee. Oh, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is a fantastic read. It was one of the assigned readings in my Narrative Literature class at the University of Iowa some 30 years ago (oh my God, has it really been that long?) This book for me was transcendent and opened a world of the fantasy and mystical interwoven with the real. Your post just reminded how much I have enjoyed fiction in the past and how caught up I get in nonfiction books as I've gotten older. I think my next selection on Audible.Com will be fiction--something like John Mortimer's "Rumpole of the Bailey" stories.
Jim --- Audible.com was a fun subscription for me. But I couldn't keep up with all the books.... what's some of the interesting non-fiction you've read recently?
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