Wednesday, October 12, 2005

An Easy Fast....

Well, I have to get home so we can eat our festive meal before sunset, and then it's Kol Nidre. I love fasting, and I'm looking forward to going all night and all day tomorrow without eating or drinking, just because I can (with G-d's help!). And as odd as it seems, I really like Yom Kippur as a holiday. I love the prayers, how evern the Reconstructionist synagogue we go to will have a long, long service with the proper prayers and shofar.

A friend of my girlfriend has a break-fast at her place every year with wonderful breakfast food and lots of people, so it'll be nice.

So an easy fast to all, and may you be inscribed in all the good books.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lee- My fast is over! Na Na Na Na Na! You Still have a bit to go but you probably won't see this until it's over. Hope it was easy for you.
A questions about your last post.How can you be too Zionist?
And Lee- the little I know of you- you are a good person with a lot of heart. You have less to work on than you think.
Gmar Chatima Tova

lee said...

Nate --- thanks! I am learning about Judaism as well, so if something sounds off, it's probably just me. :) There's always more to learn.

Carol --- for me, people who are Zionists to the extent that their thinking is in line with Meir Kahane are too Zionist. Once they start saying "the Arabs Must Go," etc., it's too Zionist for me.

Anonymous said...

Lee-"the arabs must go" has nothing to do with Zionism.